This bowl is made from Maple and has the bark intact.
Natural Edge Bowl
This bowl is made from Maple and has the bark intact. It has been turned and finished to a satin finish using a penetrating oil which has been applied in multiple coats to soak into the wood. This is not a film finish. The finish is IN the wood not ON the wood. After the finish has dried in the wood and sealed the fibers it is buffed to a satin sheen using multiple buffing compounds and carnuba wax. This bowl is food-safe but should not be submerged in water or put in the dishwasher. It should be cleaned with a damp soapy cloth and dried. If after years of service, it can be reoiled and rebuffed if necessary. You should also know that all wood changes over time. Generally dark wood lightens and light wood darkens.
Availability: 1 in stock